What Our Customers Say...

  • Great For Allergies

    We had to buy the sun cream after discovering our daughter was allergic to coconut products which are found in every other sun cream apart from zinc that we looked at! We love it, smells good and has nice smooth texture. So glad we found this product!

    - Ana

  • Cured Rash & Great For Kids

    I bought it for my kids under 5. One of them had terrible rash on his cheek for about half a year. After started to using this, the rash is gone! Not just blocking the sunlight, gentle and nourishes skin, too. Love it. Thanks!

    - Sachie

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  • Period Pain Relief

    Ever since my first period at age 12 I have had extreme period pain. I normally load up on 2 Nurofen tablets and 3 Panadol every 6 hours and that only takes the edge off so I can get up and get the kids to school etc.

    For the first time ever and I had only been taking Pure South clay for a month I didn't even know I had my period. I took no pain medication at all. I have several sisters who suffer the same as I do so I shall get them to do a trial as well.

    - Meagen

  • Acid Reflux

    My eldest son Bryan was diagnosed by the doctor as having acid reflux. The pain was actually doubling him over and he was getting these pains several times a day. Since taking 3 Pure South capsules at night we have only had 2 very minor pains - he was still able to continue doing what he was doing. So 2 in 2 weeks is great.

    - Meagen

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  • Clay Benefits

    I have been taking Pure South now for over 3 weeks. Over this time I have decreased hip pain, increased range of motion & improved sleep. I exercise regularly & am feeling the benefits of Pure South in my routine.

    I have a Femoral Acetabular Impingement & according to specialist I need a hip replacement which I would like to avoid.
    I was also diagnosed with breast cancer 1 year ago & I'm takingthe natural route with my healing so I'm happy to add Pure Southinto my regime to help my hip as its a totally natural product.

    - Dee

  • Nature's Benefits/Gastro

    I have only been taking Pure South detox clay for three weeks as it was highly recommended to me at my local health shop and over the last week my four children and my husband and I all caught a very bad case of gastro bug and everyone was violently sick for 24 hours apart from me.

    I was mildly sick for a couple of hours but then cam right and then started thinking how it must have been the detox clay as previously I have always been the sickest one! Am definitely going to continue using this product, Many thanks.

    - Alana Ford 

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  • It’s made such a difference

    I have been using the clay daily for 2 years. I have my clay with milk first thing in the morning. I used to suffer from very painful joints in both hands but since being on the Clay this has disappeared. I don’t crave sweet things like I used to.

    Last year my hairdresser commented how fast my hair seemed to be growing and my nails are a lot harder and grow quicker. At Xmas my workplace had an outbreak of noro virus and some staff were affected really badly but I only had what I term a light dose – only lasting a couple of hours.

    It is a great product.

    Ann – Nelson

  • No More Reflux or Bloating

    This clay is marvellous; it’s made such a difference – particularly to my skin, digestion (no more reflux or bloating), joints, and energy levels (it helps me keep up with the younger members of my band – so much so they are drinking it also).

    It is more than just a temporary “detoxification” tool as it needs time to do its really deep cleansing work – I continue to take it every day. If I was stranded on a desert island and could have only one “supplement” it would be this one.

    Its a life-changer!

    Lucy – Wellington

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  • Better Sleep – More Energy

    I am a 66 yr old male noticing aches and pains from years of physical work and being really tired at the end of each day. I have always had back problems, never able to find a mattress that gave me a good nights sleep – waking up with a sore back. Around 2 years ago – although very sceptical – I began drinking the clay every night before bed.

    These are my results. First week – began getting a good nights sleep. Immediately felt better, healthier, less tired. I am amazed how a good nights sleep improved my attitude and outlook. This alone convinced me to carry on with taking the clay daily. Back pain and hip pain completely gone. Back playing golf.

    No more indigestion. No more cramp. Increased healing power. One my wife likes – no more smelly feet. It works for me – thanks to the team at Pure South. keep up the good work.

    Owen – Southland

  • Happier, Healthier, More Energetic

    Pure South clay was recommended to me about a year ago. I have taken it regularly ever since and cannot imagine life without it.

    I am happier, healthier and more energetic. I am happy to get up in the morning (usually) no more dragging myself out of bed! My husband is so impressed he began taking the capsules daily.

    Alisa – Southland

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  • Persistent cough and the result

    My husband and many of his immediate extended family develop persistent chronic coughs as adults, HOWEVER none have issues with their lungs.They have been prescribed antibiotics, inhalers, and steroids for "the cough".  The cough never improves with any of these medications and frequently gets worse.

     Using Professor Google I came to the conclusion that the cough may be related to GERD’s … and again Professor Google landed me at Bentonite clay as a possible relief for reflux. 

    My very very suspicious and dubious husband took Bentonite clay before bed (as a trial) and within 3 days the cough had all but disappeared. His brother has had “ the cough” for a longer period of time and finally tried “the bedtime mud” His cough disappeared within the week. Every time either man stops taking Bentonite the cough returns within a couple of days.

     GERD’s (or stomach REFLUX) is a common cause of a persistent cough and under diagnosed as the majority of people with a GERD-induced cough don’t have classic symptoms of heartburn.

    I’m now using Bentonite (externally) on my Bulldog (he is prone to skin fold ulcers) and Bentonite has worked better than any of the violently expensive, tiny tubes of cream from the vet.

    I am an advocate !!! My husband and his brother are also converts. I’m sure other family members will come around to giving Bentonite a try – they are still a bit concerned about eating something that is harvested directly from the earth … The irony that they salt their food is not lost on me. 

    - MB

  • Healthy Colon

    I have been taking Pure South Detox tablets for over 2 years now and bless the day that I started! I was sceptical about the benefits of a tablet containing a little bit of clay but oh how wrong I was.

    I started taking them to ensure I had a clean bowel for my next colonoscopy. 11 years ago I had had bowel surgery and the doctors told me then that I would need to be near copious quantities of water when I had a bowel motion. They said I could expect a burning feeling from then on. And I sure did! Sometimes it was not always possible to have water available and I would burn all the way home!! Amazingly, within days of taking Pure South that stopped! Disappeared altogether. I couldn’t believe it.

    I never had it again until last year I had run out and couldn’t get to my supplier for about 10 days. The burning started again and that convinced me that I will be taking Pure South clay tablets for the rest of my life.

    I also used to have very sore arthritic finger joints and this has disappeared.

    I recommend Pure South clay to everyone – we all have issues of one sort or another with our health and I have found the answer to remedy mine!

    Shelagh – Christchurch

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  • Clay Masque

    I use and recommend the Pure South Clay Masque to relieve acne along with the associated redness and swelling. It removes excess oils from my T Zone as well as being a great spot treatment for any skin eruptions including boils.

    I use it and recommend it as a drawing poultice placing it over the infected or swollen area and covering it. It is also an excellent muscle pain relief when spread over the area and wrapped in gladwrap for at least an hour.

    This is a unisex product with great results to breakouts on the body – reducing redness and swelling. Leave on as a spot treatment overnight. Being a 100% natural product it is gentle and suitable for all skin types leaving the skin silky smooth and radiant.

    - Leisa

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